into the mind of kimi...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

missing Turkey

I've really been missing Turkey this past week. Im referring to the country, not the food. Today, Liz and I went out for Turkish food. yum!
I was able to use my rusty turkish skills. or lack of skills. whatever. the waiter seemed highly amused. I really want to go back to Turkey. right now!
excerpt from email to my friend in Turkey:
"these past couple of days, i've been thinking about turkey alot. i miss it so much!me and liz even looked up some turkish music online, then ran around the room looking crazy, and trying to do the little turkish dance. shake body, arms out, snap fingers, sing with a trembly voice... okay. so we butchered it. in fact the pathetic, slightly-cardiac arrest-causing picture you got in your head is probably right on. it was that bad. (we were listening to "dudu" by Tarkan). however it was lots and lots of fun. and all the terrified looks people gave us as they scurried past our room made it even more worth it.
i've been told that i strike fear into people's hearts. i like to think it's because i have the presence of a lioness. dont tell me otherwise.
well, i should go to bed now..."

well. i really should go to bed now.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

a boring boring man

there is only one thing in the entire universe that i fear*. unfortunately i'm confronted with this fear everytime i meet someone new. this is what happens:
instantly my heart rate triples and i can feel my pulse in my thumbs. my throat feels parched, and i have no success in unsticking my tongue from the roof of my mouth. My mind whirls furiously and then inconveniently decides to shut off. usually i laugh nervously. sometimes i stutter. often both at the same time (this is not pleasant to witness).
yes, i too have a fear of the horrific question "where are you from?".
the problem is that i want to give a nice short answer, but then i'm leaving so much out. i never know what to say. i cant answer completely, without boring the person who simply wanted the answer in city, state format. i usually mutter the inane response: "i dont really know but most recently...".

this problem also translates into never knowing what to say when asked to list my interests, fav. books, music, movies, etc...there's just too much to say! i usually end up not listing anything, and seeming like a boring boring man who has no fun ever and doesn't like anything. perhaps blogging will keep me from seeming like a boring boring man. because i assure you, although i may sometimes be boring, i'm never bored! (also im not a man).

*this was a lie. i have at least two fears.