my sister has school tomorrow and she won't stay up and play with me anymore.
yesterday my dad decided we needed some family we grabbed the cameras and went on a photo shoot. so fun!
here's the link to some of the pictures:
here's the link to some of the pictures:
At Monday, January 02, 2006 9:17:00 PM,
Colleen said…
We just commented at the same time on the same pic. We are online at the same time too often. It makes me miss you more.
At Tuesday, January 03, 2006 3:34:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
well it seems to me that you kept me up anyways, my dear sister. grabbing my head in the shadows it was very unsettling.but it was okay i like taking pictures of fog and talking and talking and talking. when you get up, try the waffles with peanut butter and honey. its yummy, kinda. we need syrup.
At Tuesday, January 03, 2006 3:38:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
i love my sister (the last ^comment^ was from me =B)
love nata
At Tuesday, January 03, 2006 12:30:00 PM,
Hilary said…
Ya'll look happy and beautiful. Yay.
At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 9:53:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I want to see pictures. But I can't. Because I can't get on facebook. Do you want to know what is the most frustrating thing in the world? (Ok, slight exaggeration because as I sat here writing that above sentence, I immediately began to think of several other rather frustrating things in this world... ones that are even higher on the scale of frustrating things than what I am about to say is the most frustrating. Like, people not peeling the white "fiber" stuff off of citrus fruits. Or your fingernail breaking right before you take a shower. Or when you can't find your red shorts. Etc. So yes, what I am about to say ISN'T the most frustrating thing in the world. But it's pretty dadgum frustrating. Got it? I did not tell a lie. I did not tell a lie. I just let my fingers talk faster than my brain could think. A common occurance, I'm afraid.) <- That was a big paranthetical comment, eh? Anyways, back to my sorta-not-really most frustrating thing in the world.....
Oh, crud. I forgot what it was. Hold on. Let me go back up and reread what I was writing... maybe.. hopefully... it'll come back. Please.
Ah! I have it. So, before I forget it, let me tell you what it is. Checking your email and seeing all these "So and so just wrote on your wall!" and NOT being able to see what the heck they said becasue of the fact that your work computer won't allow you on the facebook website. :sigh: Yes, frustration.
But, now that I'm done saying that. I think I'm pretty much done with this comment. I will look at your pictures once I am back at school. And after I give you fifty billion hugs. And ten I love yous. :)
-Your Sharizzle
Oh, and thanks for calling me, my wittle Kimloi.
At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 3:35:00 PM,
Colleen said…
Where are you spending Sunday night in T-town? Cuz...I just found out the dorms don't open til Monday. Never let your mom book flights for you.
At Friday, January 06, 2006 9:29:00 AM,
Colleen said…
Yay! I'm eating a lot tonight cuz it's my sister's birthday! Yay!
At Friday, January 06, 2006 8:29:00 PM,
Colleen said…
You are a wonderful man.
At Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:48:00 PM,
Unknown said…
Kiiiimiiiii!! Update your blog!! Update!
At Friday, January 13, 2006 6:58:00 AM,
Colleen said…
I concur.
At Friday, January 13, 2006 11:41:00 PM,
Megan said…
All in favor of Kimi updating rise your right hand.
At Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:46:00 PM,
The George said…
*raises left hand*
At Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:28:00 PM,
Colleen said…
*raises both hands, whatever will get Kimloi to tend to her site*
At Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:59:00 PM,
Hilary said…
Kimi I need you to post. You have no idea. I'm about to shrivel up and die if you don't. I almost spelled shrivel "Shrivle". That's how much I need you to post. I'm about to die.
(Was that moving enough?)
At Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:51:00 PM,
Megan said…
I am weeping and gnashing my teeth because I think that you are dead. "Dead! And I never even met the girl!"
At Monday, January 23, 2006 9:47:00 AM,
Colleen said…
I am going to shoot you in the face soon if you don't update.
At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:41:00 PM,
The George said…
Don't run away from this computer!
Sit down and write!
At Sunday, January 29, 2006 12:33:00 PM,
Unknown said…
At Monday, January 30, 2006 8:18:00 PM,
Megan said…
I will weep for joy and kiss the ground when you update.
At Friday, February 03, 2006 7:39:00 AM,
The George said…
I'm going to start writing grafiti on here...
and other such slogans...
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