Google Toolbar Installed's a random thought i had about a sticky subject during my quiet time today.
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
To ask this is to imply that bad things happening to good people is unreasonable and a phenomenon, which implies that the occurance of good or bad 'things' is dependent on the goodness or badness of an individual. Therefore goodthings, and never bad things should happen to good people. It follows that bad things and never good things should happen to bad people. We live in a dynamic world where "things" are constantly occurring. Since the moment of conception, "things" (such as cell development) were happening to us. If good things were to happen only to good people, there must be a point when a person is determined good or bad. But if "things" are happening to a person from the moment of conception, this determining point must occur before conception, for the very fact that the embryo is developing shows that , already, a good thing has happened an the embryo must have already been determined good. (I define good here as what is beneficial to the individual upon whom "things" are acting/happening. This is to counter those who might say "perhaps the developing embryo is within a young woman as a result of her being raped...It is not good for her." However, it is beneficial to the embryo to live.)
But if the point of determination is before conception, then it follows that for those who were determined to be a bad person, conception (which is beneficial to them, and therefore good) would never happen for them. They would never be conceived, develop, be born, and live. They would never exist.
However, we see that bad people do exist. Therefore good and bad things do not happen to each person by merit of their goodness or badness. Therefore the question "why do bad things happen to good people?" is invalid because it is based on a wrong supposition.
anyway...this is incomplete. there's so much more that could be said. but that's just what i wrote in my journal. the raw.
of course, you would never say this to someone who was hurting. "uh you can't wonder why this bad thing happened to you. your question is invalid". stupid stupid.
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
To ask this is to imply that bad things happening to good people is unreasonable and a phenomenon, which implies that the occurance of good or bad 'things' is dependent on the goodness or badness of an individual. Therefore goodthings, and never bad things should happen to good people. It follows that bad things and never good things should happen to bad people. We live in a dynamic world where "things" are constantly occurring. Since the moment of conception, "things" (such as cell development) were happening to us. If good things were to happen only to good people, there must be a point when a person is determined good or bad. But if "things" are happening to a person from the moment of conception, this determining point must occur before conception, for the very fact that the embryo is developing shows that , already, a good thing has happened an the embryo must have already been determined good. (I define good here as what is beneficial to the individual upon whom "things" are acting/happening. This is to counter those who might say "perhaps the developing embryo is within a young woman as a result of her being raped...It is not good for her." However, it is beneficial to the embryo to live.)
But if the point of determination is before conception, then it follows that for those who were determined to be a bad person, conception (which is beneficial to them, and therefore good) would never happen for them. They would never be conceived, develop, be born, and live. They would never exist.
However, we see that bad people do exist. Therefore good and bad things do not happen to each person by merit of their goodness or badness. Therefore the question "why do bad things happen to good people?" is invalid because it is based on a wrong supposition.
anyway...this is incomplete. there's so much more that could be said. but that's just what i wrote in my journal. the raw.
of course, you would never say this to someone who was hurting. "uh you can't wonder why this bad thing happened to you. your question is invalid". stupid stupid.
At Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:04:00 PM,
Unknown said…
The hurting people you just smack and tell them to suck it up. You don't start trashing their intellect until later.
I think I'm going to write a book on friendship.
At Friday, February 24, 2006 11:46:00 AM,
Colleen said…
I like the way you think, Kimloi.
I like that you gave us a big meaty post to tide us over til next time.
At Friday, February 24, 2006 3:25:00 PM,
Megan said…
I'm gonna edit Kara's book on friendship. Together we will cause much amusing gnashing of teeth.
At Monday, February 27, 2006 10:18:00 PM,
Hilary said…
oI think you waited to reach the 20 comment threshhold on your other post before you posted again. If that's all you're waiting on, we'll be glad to oblige sooner this time.
Welcome back to the family.
At Sunday, March 05, 2006 5:20:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
how come you sound so smart?
i love you kimi.
At Monday, March 27, 2006 7:13:00 PM,
Colleen said…
It's like you're dead.
At Sunday, April 09, 2006 4:44:00 PM,
Megan said…
Pretty much.
At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:19:00 PM,
Colleen said…
ARE you dead?
Come BACK!!!!
At Monday, October 30, 2006 9:40:00 PM,
Colleen said…
Updates are in order.
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